Green Kratom Powder in a Jar

How to Store Kratom

Before enjoying your kratom product, it’s helpful to understand exactly what kratom is and where it comes from. As kratom is not indigenous to the United States, many farms are located in Southeast Asia to provide authentic kratom. However, this leaves room for unethical or unsustainable farming practices. Moreover, like any plant product, untested kratom can contain issues like mold or bacteria. It’s key to ensure that your kratom vendor’s process includes third-party lab testing after harvesting for your own safety. Ensure your money is going to a reputable vendor that engages in positive kratom farming practices and provides an authentic, pure product.

Kratom Farm Locations

Kratom comes from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, which is native to Southeast Asia. Within Southeast Asia, there are a variety of unique kratom harvest conditions that lead to different kratom strains. For example, Bali Kratom is native to the coastlines of Bali in Indonesia, and its specific alkaloid profile and aroma are a direct result of its distinctive environment. Another example, Indo Kratom, is native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. However, this universal strain can be grown anywhere in Indonesia and still have the same alkaloid profile and aroma.

Not every strain can be grown just anywhere, as kratom requires a tropical farm environment for the best growth. Most kratom vendors partner with growers in Indonesia due to its cultivation-friendly laws and climate. Indonesia’s unique, tropical climate allows for a variety of strains not native to the region to be grown there. 

For example, you can grow authentic Malaysian kratom along the coasts of Indonesia. While Malaysian kratom is named after its native country, it is known for its specific alkaloid profile– which can be recreated in the right Indonesian kratom harvest environment. That being said, some suppliers may be returning to Thailand to farm this all-natural supplement, as Thailand recently repealed a law prohibiting kratom farm cultivation.

It’s necessary to note that kratom strains are different from kratom vein colors. Strains are influenced by the environment in which kratom is grown whereas the vein colors are due to the maturity of the leaves at the time of harvest. Red vein kratom is harvested from mature leaves, and white vein kratom results from the least mature leaves. Green vein kratom is considered a happy medium. Both maturity and environment impact the alkaloid profile of the final kratom product, but vein colors are a result of the kratom harvest process and strains are a result of the kratom farm environment.

Farm fields from aerial perspective

When shopping for kratom, you should also consider how the brand treats their farmers and the environment in which their kratom is sourced. When working internationally, it can be easier for companies to cut corners and take advantage. Instead, be sure to check ethical sourcing and sustainable harvesting practices before you buy kratom online. Ethical sourcing speaks to fair treatment and compensation for farmers, and sustainable harvesting means that the farms are not depleting natural resources or negatively impacting the region’s ecological balance. At Royal Kratom, we pride ourselves on ethical sourcing from our sustainable kratom farms based in Indonesia.

Why Lab Testing Matters

Third-party lab testing is key to any successful kratom harvest operation. All plant products come with the risk of certain issues such as mold, bacteria, e coli, high heavy metal content, and more. However, all of these issues are easily prevented from making it to the final products for sale via lab testing. Third-party lab testing allows for more trust to be fostered between the vendor and customer, as the testing is conducted by an independent party that doesn’t benefit from selling unsafe kratom. After being grown at a kratom farm, every batch must be tested.

Additionally, third-party lab testing ensures the customer understands the quality of the product they’re receiving. Labs can test for alkaloid levels on every batch of kratom. A reputable kratom vendor shares these lab results so customers can easily access all the necessary information on their kratom products. Royal Kratom takes the health and safety of our customers very seriously, and our kratom undergoes stringent testing after our kratom harvest to remove any impurities and guarantee premium quality. It doesn’t matter where your kratom is sourced; any plant product can have issues regardless of the kratom farm without proper lab testing.

Finding Quality Kratom Online

One of the most daunting aspects of doing any online shopping is wondering where the product you’re buying actually comes from. In a store, you may feel more comfortable holding the product in your hand, and maybe you can even ask a brand representative some questions. However, it’s rare to find a dedicated kratom shop in person. Instead, cheap kratom is found at local shops like gas stations that aren’t required to know any details about their stock. As the FDA doesn’t regulate kratom, many of these products can be scams, fakes, or unsafe and won’t come from a reputable kratom farm.

While there are some states passing kratom laws to ensure kratom labels are more regulated, this is not a common practice yet. When you shop from a dedicated kratom brand like Royal Kratom, every batch we sell reflects our reputation as a company. That gas station won’t go out of business for selling fake kratom, but a kratom shop might. Moreover, as a trusted supplier, we want to grow our company the right way, by engaging in ethical kratom harvest processes and selling only high-quality kratom.

You should check for ethical sourcing practices, purity, third-party lab testing, sustainable kratom farms, customer reviews, and fair pricing before placing an order with a new kratom vendor. Learn more about kratom and visit our blog. Find premium kratom for sale online at Royal Kratom today.